Wow! I can't even believe it! Instagram has deleted yet another one of my images.
I think it has been 10 years since I began my journey on Social Media and I have been killin the game!
So much so, they have continuously "tried" to stop my rise. I have had at least 3 accounts on Instagram and each one has been deleted or hacked at the very point I get the highest engagements.
I am a Model, Actress, and Artist.
I have never done anything to upset anything or anyone in a way so that they have to diligently come after my content.
I have had it!
I'm done! I will cultivate my following here and I will continue to be me in every facet, because at the end of the day that's what they don't want me to do.
If you are on Instagram, I advise you to get off now!
They are a tirant ass company that will stop at nothing to get rid of good people doing great things.
Only to foster the fake and phony.
I'm gucci thanks!